WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon”
POST-WOD: Walk 40 minutes around helideck… Approximately 3.5 mph!
WOD Warm-Up:
- 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up
- Shoulder & Leg Mobility Work
WOD Particulars:
Strength: Press (5 x 5)
- Warm-Up 95# @ 10 Reps
- 115#, 125#, 135#, 140#, 145#
MetCon: 4 Intervals of…
- 750 Meter Row @ 26 SPM
- Rest 2 Minutes
Today’s WOD was quick. I believe I finished in about 45 minutes total. I was pretty sore from yesterdays bench press beating, so it was probably a good thing that I did a pretty simple workout today and tomorrow is off. Other than that, not much more to post about…
I only ate one of my Kind Bars for Breakfast and my normal two cups of coffee again like yesterday. Lunch was two thighs baked with coleslaw, potatoes and I forget what else. Going without breakfast and working out before lunch is making me wanna gorge! I’ll eat better at dinner.
Book To Read:
Olympic Weightlifting By Greg Everett… Absolutely KICKASS!!!
Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches
419 pages that breaks down each move and adds all the supplemental exercises too. There is even a section that covers nutrition. I really like the content of the book. It covers Olympic Lifts and that’s it! Everything that will improve your snatch and your clean & jerk. You really need to pick up this book…
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