WOD Type: Strength / MetCon
Sets of 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 Reps
Snatch Weights of:
- 3 @ 65#
- 3 @ 75#
- 2 @ 85#
- 2 @ 95#
- 2 @ 105#
- 1 @ 115#
- 1 @ 120#
- 1 @ 125#
- 1 @ 130#
WOD MetCon:
WOD 3 Rounds of:
- 20# Wall Balls @ 21, 15, 9 Reps
- Burpees @ 9, 15, 21 Reps
- 24″ Box Jumps @ 21, 15, 9
WOD Time
I completed all 3 rounds in a pretty quick time. At least for me at this stage in the game. Anyway, my time turned out to be 16:50
WOD Reasoning…
I just purchased my first 20# medicine ball and was itching to use it. So, after a bunch of research and looking for a WOD that sounded good, I decided to make up my own…
I am still experiencing a ton of soreness in my buttocks along with a massive tightness in my hamies and hip flexors. I think the combination of race commuting home from work, strength routine and then finishing off with a WOD has a lot to do with it. At least that is what I am hoping for anyway.
Maybe my body will finally start to adapt and improve…
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