WOD: Strength Day 18:
WOD Strength Session will be 3 Sets @ 10 Reps of:
- Power Cleans @ 95#
After my Strength WOD Routine, I completed a MetCon for time; 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
- 95# Sumo Deadlifts High Pulls
- Box Jumps @ 24″
WOD Time:
My time for this MetCon was 19:44. This WOD absolutely wasted me today! I think all my bike commuting is adding to my workouts. I feel sore when I first get off the bike and while I warm up with the TRX Mobility program. Hoping I can make it through next years Crossfit Opens. I would love to qualify for the NW Regionals in 2013, but have my goal set for 2014.
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