WOD Type: Crossfit Total
Strength Test Reps 5, 3, 1, 1 of:
- Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
WOD Warm-Up:
Today’s session is a big deal! It’s time to see how much I have improved in squats, press, and deadlifts.
I had to do a significant warm-up to make sure I am ready to max out in one session, three different exercises.
My warmup consisted of my normal TRX mobility routine, air squats and of course, PVC Overhead Squats.
WOD Reasoning…
Is there any real reasoning in a WOD? In today’s case, yes there is for sure! First, let me lay out the workout weights for the day. I had 3 PR’s!!!
- Squats: 205#, 255#, 265# PR
- Press: 135#, 170#, 185# (Fail), 185# PR
- Deadlift: 275#, 300#, 320# (Fail), 310# PR
Here is the video to show proof: Crossfit Total
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