WOD Type: “MetCon, Strength & Couplet”
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Recon Ron Pull-Ups: Step 15: 8, 7, 5, 5, 5 – Time for today’s Recon Ron was 4:27…
Burgener Warm-up
WOD Particulars:
Metcon: Bike 16 Miles @ 1:00:36 – Today’s ride sucked this morning. I ran completely out of energy before getting to mile 5! And the bad part about this ride is I was taking my time and enjoying the ride. WTF… Nah, really I am pretty sore and tired from yesterday’s workout…
WOD Strength:
- Close Grip Bench Press – 7 Sets –> 50% @ 3 reps, 60% @ 3 reps, 70% @ 3 reps, 80% @ MAX reps, 70% @ 3 reps, 60% @ 3 reps, 50% @ 3 reps
- 135#
- 155#
- 170#
- 185# @ 6 Reps Max
- 170#
- 155#
- 135#
Today’s WOD seemed easy until the following metcon:
MetCon 9, 7, 5 Reps of:
- Thrusters @ 135#
- 100 Single Unders
WOD Skill Work: Toes to Bar –> Completed 3 Sets of 5 Reps working on form.
WOD Teachable Moment:
WOD Moment…Hunter-Gatherer Diet – Cleansing the Body!
One of the rising diets out there is the Hunter-Gatherer Diet. It is also listed under several other names such as the Primal Diet or the Paleo/Paleolithic Diet. Basically, this diet focus on nutrition influenced by cavemen of the Paleolithic period, so the diet involves all natural foods for a true cleansing of the body.
The problem with current, modern-day nutrition is a lot of foods consumed are heavily processed. As a result, it’s much harder on the body to digest these kinds of foods. That’s why a lot of people struggle with losing weight, since their bodies can’t break down these foods as fast as they would like. Back in the hunter-gatherer days, the only foods they ate were those that could only be hunted or found in the open fields. This would include – meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
For millions of years, these were the foods that human bodies were naturally designed to digest and enjoy. Despite this, humans were forced to adopt to processed foods as that was the direction modern food production headed. This means cheaper and faster produced foods, resulting in lower costs for consumers as well.
Unfortunately, this is not always the best for consumers. Think about college students. They are usually on a really tight budget with both time and money, so of course they will try to eat foods that are quick, convenient, and cheap. This is one reason for the “freshman 15”, aside from the binge drinking.
After graduation, many students decide to get back into shape, and those who do see the logic behind a Hunter-Gatherer Diet, give this lifestyle and way of eating a shot, usually seeing positive results in the end.
Why does this primal diet seem to work so well? It cleanses the body of all the toxins and junk introduced through all the years of processed food. One can see results within a week or so if done properly. Aside from using this nutrition for fat loss, it is also known to rejuvenate and improve one’s energy. That is why elite athletes involved in the sport of CrossFit swear by Hunter-Gatherer types of diets.
How does it work for them? They keep their foods to lean meats and fish (chicken break, lean beef, tuna) a lot of vegetables (mainly greens), a good amount of healthy fat (avocados, almonds, olive oil), and limited amounts of fruit (apples, bananas, berries). Paleo enthusiasts limit their fruits because of the amounts of sugar, despite being a natural source. They usually have their fruits earlier in the day or in a post-workout meal.
The reason for the healthy fats is to provide energy for the body, rather than relying on complex carbohydrates. The human body can only hold so much in complex carbs to use as energy. CrossFitters use the high amount of healthy fats, such as almond butter, avocados, and olive oil, to fuel their bodies for intense workouts and to make up for the lower intake of carbohydrates.
Overall, the Hunter-Gatherer Diet is a solid, all-natural solution to seeing fat loss results. Many world-class athletes in the world swear by it including me…
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