WOD Type: “Metcon & Strength”
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Recon Ron Pull-Ups: Step 13: 8, 6, 5, 5, 4, for a time of 4:00.
WOD Particulars:
Metcon: Bike 16 Miles @ 106:22
Strength: Oly Program of:
- Power Snatch & Overhead Squat – 3 @ 5
- Full Snatch – 6 @ 3
- Snatch High Pulls – 5 @ 5
- Back Squats – 5 @ 5
- Dips – 4 @ Max
– Weight –
- Power Snatch & Overhead Squats – 45# *3
- Full Snatch – 95#, 100#, 105#, 110# 115#, 120#
- Snatch High Pull – 120#, 95# * 4
- Back Squats – 135# * 5 (Bottom out, Hold & Explode)
- Dips – 20 * 4
Today’s WOD was pretty easy today. I decided to go pretty light in order to really work hard on the form. When it comes to the snatch, I make sure to really hit all the primary points. I’m pretty sure that’s why I am doing this 6-month program. To really get good at the Olympic Lifts…
I did a little something different on the back squats as well. I just read a killer article on getting deep into the squat. Long story short, it talks about how deep you should be going and that is all the way down as far as you can go. So, you bottom out, then hold at the bottom for a second or two and then explode up! I stayed at 135# because I was a little fearful of hurting myself. I just wanted to get used to it too. It’s amazing and I recommend it to everyone!
Skill Work: Burgener Warm-Up (Every day)
Teachable Moment:
WOD Moment… Continues tomoorow
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