WOD Type: “Adrian”
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
WOD Particulars:
Complete 7 Rounds for Time of:
- 3 Forward Rolls
- 5 Wall Climbs
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 9 Box Jumps @ 30″
Today’s WOD was completed, but not for time. I haven’t done forward rolls since I was a kid, so I had to relearn them. Quite interesting to say the least.
Also, I have never done wall climbs and didn’t know if I could do them successfully, so I decided to just use this as a skills development day.
Skill Work: Forward Rolls & Wall climbs… I also added in Oly Lift practice too. Still have a long way to go, but feeling pretty good about the upcoming Open.
Overall, another great workout today Crossfit.Com!
Teachable Moment:
WOD Moment… Get into the Beast Mode — It’s an out of body experience…
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