WOD Type: Strength
Complete 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 of Split Jerk:
- 1 Rep @ 135#
- 1 Rep @ 155#
- 1 Rep @ 175#
- 1 Rep @ 180#
- 1 Rep @ 185#
- 1 Rep @ 190# (F)
- 1 Rep @ 190# (20# PR)
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard warm
-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… After watching the Mobility guy, I’ve started incorporating a bunch of his stretches and man o’ man are they working!
WOD Particulars:
Today’s WOD came from the Crossfit Website. My body is recovery much quicker these days. I started this crossfit weighing a whopping 230#. After just working out for a few month’s I’ve been able to loose about 5#’s. Since starting Paleo, I’ve dropped to 216# which is closing in on 15#’s!!!
We just started the other day and I’ve lost 5#’s already. I’m excited about seeing where this will take me. Oh, and my wife lost 3#’s. She’s slim already, so not needing to lose much weight. I also love the fact that she came out to the gym today with me and hit the elliptical machine for 30. Hooyah baby!
Teachable Moment:
Get your diet under control! Go Paleo…
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