WOD Type: “MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- 1 Mile Treadmill Warm-Up – 20:00
- Shoulder & Leg Mobility Work
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: “Pull, Swing, Dip” For Time of…
- Row 1,000 Meters
- 3x (9 KB Swings @ 40# | 9 Dips)
- Row 750 Meters
- 3x (6 KB Swings @ 45# | 6 Dips)
- Row 500 Meters
- 3x (3 KB Swings @ 50# | 3 Dips)
- Row 250 Meters
Today’s WOD was a great workout and I felt strong the entire workout. Must be a good workout that I can excel at… Total reps without the row is 108! The 1,000 meter row took just under 5 minutes, 750 took 3.5 minutes and 500 2.5 minutes. Total workout time: 22:54! Once I completed the workout and put my shit away, I decided to hit the treadmill again for another 1 mile run/walk that took another 15 minutes. I am still dealing with the knee, however, it seems to be improving just a bit each day. Hoping I can get back to my running. I will continue to walk after lunch for 45 minutes to an hour everyday. I think its helping in the quest to lose the 50 or so pounds I need to lose…
Missing my Garage Gym!!! The Chalk Box
Book To Read:
Olympic Weightlifting By Greg Everett… Absolutely KICKASS!!!
Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches
419 pages that breaks down each move and adds all the supplemental exercises too. There is even a section that covers nutrition. I really like the content of the book. It covers Olympic Lifts and that’s it! Everything that will improve your snatch and your clean & jerk. You really need to pick up this book…
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