WOD Type: Fight Gone Bad (FGB)
3 Rounds of:
- Wall Ball, 20# @ 10 Feet for Reps
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 75# for Reps
- Box Jump 20″ for Reps
- Push Press, 75# for Reps
- Elliptical for Calories
WOD Warm-Up:
I had to do a significant warm-up to make sure I am ready for FGB.
My warmup consisted of my normal TRX mobility routine, air squats and of course, PVC Overhead Squats as usual.
WOD Reasoning…
Each Exercise in this WOD is for 1 minute. After a complete round, rest for 1 minute. You count each rep as a point. I had to use the elliptical instead of the rower since I do not have one. Anyway, one point for each calorie burned on each of the three rounds. Basically, you have to finish in 18 minutes and count up the reps and calories to come up with your score.
My score was 199 which is not even competitive at this stage. I will need to bump up my reps to 400+.
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