WOD: Strength Day 3;
WOD Strength Session will be 5 Sets @ 3 Reps Heavy of:
- Back Squats: 160 lbs.
- Incline Bench: 140 lbs.
After my Strength WOD Routine, I decided to do a little extra with a quick WOD to work on “Toes to Bar”. So, here is what I completed:
- Leg Levers while balancing on dip bar – 3 Sets @ 10 Reps
- 20″ Box Jumps – 3 Sets @ 10 Reps
Overall, it was a good WOD Session.
The actual reason I decided to work on my toes to bar is because I tried doing them on a pullup bar at work and felt major tightness in my entire mid section. I think with a little work, I can really kick it in gear with toes to bar and then add them to my future WOD routines.
One last thing. I have decided that I will start running in the morning before work along with completing a 10 minute WOD during my 30 minute lunch hour. I’m sure some of the guys I work with are going to think I’m a freak, but who cares? Not me…
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