WOD Type: “MetCon, Strength & Hope”
Metcon: Bike 15.4 Miles @ 1:03:28 – 736 feet of elevation gain and 641 calories.
WOD Warm-Up:
10 minute standard TRX WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Burgener Warm-up
WOD Particulars:
Strength: Shoulder Press @
- 7 Sets of 3 reps:
- 115# X 2, 125# X 2, 130# X 3
WOD: Hope @ 3 Rounds of:
(1 minute per movement and rest 1 minute between rounds)
- Burpees
- Power Snatch @ 75#
- Box Jumps @ 20″
- Thrusters @ 75#
- Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Today’s WOD started out with absolutely no motivation! Once I got started, it all improved 10 fold… I actually ended up finishing the workout in less than an hour. Something like 55 minutes. This workout is set up at 18 minutes and for three rounds, I got the following reps:
- Burpees @ 10, 10 , 11
- Power Snatch @ 7, 7, 8
- Box Jumps @ 12, 14, 13
- Thrusters @ 9, 6, 9
- Chest to Bars @ 8, 7, 9
WOD Skill Work: No skill work.
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