WOD Type: “MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- TRX Standard Warm-Up @ 5 Minutes
- 15 Squats
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: (8 Minute AMRAP)
- 10 Thrusters @ 95#
- 10 Deadlifts @ 95#
Reps: 94 total…
Today’s WOD was tough after the workout last night. Doing thrusters really takes my breath away. Not sure if that will ever change… I’m not getting any younger! After the WOD was completed, I did a little work on gymnastics with the ring row in a false grip… OUCH! I need a lot of forearm work and get them suckers stronger. Any suggestions?
Video of the Day:
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