WOD Type: 12-3 MetCon
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
WOD Particulars:
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
- 15 Box Jumps @ 24″
- 12 115# Push Press
- 9 Toes to Bar
Today’s WOD Time was 18 minutes and hurt like hell…
My total reps added up to 167 which is 233 reps short of what my goal is. That roughly laid out 4 full sets plus 15 box jumps and 8 115# push press. I need to be at 11 full rounds and 4 box jumps in order to reach my goal. I’ll get there…
Teachable Moment:
Today’s WOD Teachable moment is that a Crossfit workout includes functional training where you are learning to move your entire body. It is very common to see participants jumping onto high boxes with ease!
Each workout focuses on the following 10 areas:
1. Improving Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance
2. Increasing stamina
3. Increasing strength
4. Improving flexibility
5. Power
6. Speed
7. Co-ordination
8. Agility
9. Balance
10. Accuracy
By improving all of these areas you will have the ability to do daily lifestyle tasks more easily. Carrying home heavy shopping bags won’t be an issue. Playing with your grandchildren will be easy. Even yard work and gardening won’t seem like such an effort. Now, go get yourself into a Crossfit Box now!
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