WOD Type: “Endurance & MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- TRX Standard Warm-Up @ 5 Minutes
- 15 Squats
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: Jerry (Time)…
- Run 1 Mile
- Row 2000 Meters
- Run 1 Mile
Time: 28:16 – Wow, talk about painful!
MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time of…
- 9 Power Cleans @ 135#
- 12 Front Squats @ 135#
- 15 Box Jumps @ 24″
Time: 19:58 – Kicked my ass after doing the endurance workout above!!! The combination of these two workouts is great on the body.
Today’s WOD was played out at the base gym. I completed the runs on a treadmill and hit the concept two rower for the 200 meter row… I gave myself a 30 minute cut-off time for the endurance workout and just squeaked in at 28:16. That’s not as close as my cutoff time for the MetCon which was 20:00. I finished at 19:58… No kiddin’! Oh, I also bike commuted to work today with temps in the 20’s to work and right at freezing this evening! What did you do for a workout today? Let me know below the vid.
Video of the Day:
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