WOD: Strength Day 20:
WOD Strength Session will be a one (1) Max Lift Attempt:
- Deadlift: 135 @ 10 Reps, 205 @ 2 Reps, 255 @ 1 Rep, 285 @ 1 Rep
WOD Max Lift:
(PR) MAX Lift: 300 # @ 1 Rep –> This is a PR of 60#’s! I was so excited about deadlifting 300#’s, I ran in the house and told my wife. She was probably less then thrilled, but always shows me support. Wouldn’t know what to do with myself without her. Anyway. The day starts off with a great PR!!!
After my Strength WOD Routine, I completed a MetCon of:
2 Rounds of:
- 20 Pull-Ups
- 50 Sit-Ups
- 30 Air Squats
- 50 Single Unders
My time for this workout: 17:38
I was hoping to keep up with Crossfit.com workout of the day, but had to drop a few reps on each of the MetCon exercises. Still a great workout today!
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