WOD Type: “Couplet”
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Recon Ron Pull-Ups: 6, 5, 5, 4, 3 Reps
WOD Particulars:
TEN Rounds for time of:
- 135# Deadlifts @ 15 Reps
- 15 Pushups
Today’s WOD was completed in 23:56. I was absolutely smoked on this workout! Great one for me after I addressed the pinch in my back. I believe I am having an issue with my sciatica Nerve. I stretch it out really well and had no more issues with it on this workout…
Skill Work: N/A
Teachable Moment:
WOD Moment…
Training in a fixed plane environment leads to isolated results, muscle imbalance, and injury. In contrast, the whole body approach to resistance training prepares participants of any fitness level to achieve great improvements in body composition and function better in daily life as well. The three-dimensional environment of training movements, not individual muscles, enables the body to become efficient in both static and dynamic environments. Participants achieve balanced, long lasting, effective results.
Full body training is an extremely effective way to loose weight as involves dynamic, whole body movement that increase caloric expenditure. Training movements instead of individual muscles can also help change body composition by increasing muscle mass, increasing growth hormone output, raising metabolism, maximizing caloric output, and ultimately decreasing body fat.
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