WOD Type: “MetCon, MetCon & MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- TRX Standard Warm-Up @ 5 Minutes
- 15 Squats
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: 15 Minutes of…
- 10 Deadlifts @ 155#
- 10 Ring Push-Ups
Reps: 165 – 8 total rounds + 5 deadlifts
MetCon: 7 Minutes of…
- Burpees
Reps: 50 – Goal set for this event was 50. I hit it without a second to spare!
MetCon: 4 Minutes of…
- Pull-Ups
Reps: 40! I actually set a goal for this one at 25 reps. I think I completely underestimated this one! 🙂
Today’s WOD was an ass kicker! Performing three back to back MetCons was a little too intense for me I think. Anyway, I’ve already started recovering and things are starting to feel better. Wonder how it will feel tomorrow morning… Imagine I will have to roll outta bed. Hahaha.
Video of the Day:
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