WOD Type: MetCon
Warmup consisted of a 100m Row for 10 minutes on level 10…
MetCon: 3 Rounds of “Row Mania”
– 30-20-10 Overhead Squats @ 75#
– 30-20-10 Toes To Bar (T2B)
– 1000m, 800m, 500m Row (Level 10)
Time: 41:12
Holy Shit! My hands are shredded. I honestly did not think I was going to make it! Overhead squats suck on moving ship… I sure hope I’m on land when OHS are called on the Crossfit Open! 60 reps at 75# equals out to 4,500 total pounds. I’m really trying to lose some weight prior to the open. I’m carrying an extra 25# that is really slowing me down. Anyway, get a handle on my diet and I should be able to drop at least 10-15#’s. We shall see.
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