WOD Type: Lynne & Make-Up Karen
Complete 5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
- Body Weight Bench Press
- Pull-Ups
Karen is 150 Wall Balls @ 20#
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
WOD Particulars:
Today’s WOD came from my being lazy on Saturday and not completing Karen. So, I took advantage of the extra day off to get in my first two workout day in…
Karen was completed at 9:07
As for Lynne: I did the first two sets of body weight bench at my weight of 215# (Actually 214#), then had to drop down to 205# for the next two sets. I finished off with 185#. So, the first two sets were @ 6 and 5. 205# @ 6 and 5 and finally 185# @ 8 reps.
Teachable Moment:
With Paleo, you should be aware that adding a dry seasoning blend of quality herbs and spices to your recipes will boost flavor without adding carbohydrates or calories.
I believe in making food exciting – an emotional experience – with bold, but not overpowering, flavors to enhance what you are cooking so the first bite tastes as good as the last. Just take a look at the contents and chose the right magic blend for you…
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