WOD Type: Cindy
Complete AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 Squats
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard warm
-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… After watching the Mobility guy, I’ve started incorporating a bunch of his stretches and man o’ man are they working!
WOD Particulars:
Today’s WOD came from the Crossfit Website. I completed 12 rounds and felt pretty wiped out. After I finished the workout and laid down on the floor to recover a bit, I thought to myself — I can do better!
Teachable Moment:
What’s the greatest threat facing our civilization? (No, it’s not the Islamic jihad.) It’s obesity. Due to its attendant health and economic costs, scientists predict that obesity alone will topple economic and social structures, induce a wide range of dire diseases, and drastically cut short Americans’ life spans.
These are more than another set of statistics — they predict things that can and will affect you, your family, your health, and your pocketbook. If you are among the two thirds of adult Americans struggling to escape escalating weight gain, (or even if you’re teetering on the edge with ten persistent pounds you can’t seem to lose), as a struggling dieter myself, I recommend that you take action to lose weight and protect your future health now before it is to late.
Start Crossfit and once you settle into the routine of working out, start slowing changing your diet to strict Paleo.
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