WOD Type: “MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- 100 Calorie Row Warm-up
- Shoulder / Leg Mobility Routine
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: For Time Of…
- Row 1,500 Meters
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 15 Deadlifts @ 135#
- 15 Push-Ups
- 15 Sit-Ups
- 15 Curls @ 45# Bar
- 15 Strict Press @ 95#
- 15 Dips
- 15 Knees to Elbows
- Row 1,500 Meters
Helideck Walk: 3 Miles in 53:10
Today’s WOD was a straight up brutal! It fucking hit me at my very limit on the last 1500 meter row. I had to keep telling myself just a little more and you can do anything in 4, 3, 2, 1 minute! Well, I finished with a time of 30:14… Not bad considering I have to walk into the other room in order to do pull-ups and walk back and forth across the gym room to make the workout work. All in all, a great workout and I am glad tomorrow is a day off. If the scale is right, I’m down to 222# which I saw an increase to 225 after the last time I told you I dropped to 225. Anyway, I’m losing again I think… I’ve been off the Zyrtec for 3 days now and the itching comes and goes, but is not as bad as it used to be. It’s probably because I know that fucking drug is the cause of the itching now anyway.
Nutrition: My nutrition has been okay today. It is hard to eat healthy when all the food the cooks make onboard is fried fatty goodness! I did not eat cereal this morning. Instead I ate 3 small spoons of peanut butter with honey and a Kind bar. For lunch, I had fried breaded beef, lima beans and potatoes with white gravy on the potatoes and meat. I know, not that healthy, but like I said, it’s about as good as I can get out here…
Book To Read:
Olympic Weightlifting By Greg Everett… Absolutely KICKASS!!!
Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches
419 pages that breaks down each move and adds all the supplemental exercises too. There is even a section that covers nutrition. I really like the content of the book. It covers Olympic Lifts and that’s it! Everything that will improve your snatch and your clean & jerk. You really need to pick up this book…
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