WOD Type: Strength / MetCon
Strength started off the workout after of course, my warmup…
Bench Press: 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1
- 5 Reps @ 185#
- 5 Reps @ 185#
- 3 Reps @ 205#
- 3 Reps @ 205#
- 1 Rep @ 250#
- 1 Rep @ 250#
Complete AMRAP in 12 minutes:
- 15 Reps Deadlifts @ 155#
- 15 Deficit Pushups – Hands on 25# plates
- 15 Box Jumps @ 24″
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute warm-up to make sure I am as mobile for the WOD as I can.
Warmup: TRX mobility stretches, air squats and PVC Overhead Squats. I also completed a few rounds of good mornings and side steps. The good mornings help in activating the hamstrings and the side steps aid in warming up the Glutes which are going to get hammered in this WOD…
WOD Rep Total:
My goal for the workout was set at 4 complete rounds which would work out to 3 minutes per session. I was really hoping I could hit it, but ended up with only 150 Reps. The equates to 3 complete rounds and full completion of the deadlifts for the 4th round.
I am still commuting to work in the mornings and then riding hard on the way home. Check out my numbers at Strava in the box –>
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