WOD Type: Strength –> Snatch
Complete 3 sets @ 10 Reps:
- 10 Reps @ 95#
- 10 Reps @ 95#
- 10 Reps @ 95#
WOD Warm-Up:
Today’s WOD warmup was nothing more than a ride on the road bike from work to the house. I basically ride as hard as I can for 20-25 minutes and then I go straight into my workout. But today however, I did not ride. I spent a good hour working on mobility in the house and then another 15 minutes in the gym doing the typical TRX routine.
WOD Time:
If I continue to just do the Crossfit.Com WOD regiment, I may just get a little stronger and MetCon improvement… 🙂
My left bicipital tendonitis seems to be getting a bit better. I took two days off to hope and help it along, but after today’s workout, it felt bad once again. so, I’m going to take another two days off and see how things improve.
Anyway, I completed only 3 sets of 10 reps instead of the 3 sets of 30 reps I was planning on doing. Oh well, gotta heal. It really sucks ass to hurt yourself when all your trying to do is get fit!
Well, that’s it until tomorrow…
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