WOD Monday 09-30-2013
WOD Type: “Strength”
WOD Warm-Up:
- Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts
- 25 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Squats
- 14 Lunges (7 each leg)
- Burgener Warm-up
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars:
Strength: Clean & Jerk 7 @ 2…
- 10x @ 95# Warm-up
- 5x @ 115# Warm-up
- 135# @ 7 Sets of 2 Reps
Followed By…
- 20# Weighted Pull-Ups 7 @ 2
Total Time: NA
Today’s WOD – Just coming off a cold and no workout four days in a row… I felt strong enough to go a lot heavier, but really do not want a relapse of this stupid cold I ended up with. Anyway, I hope the cough goes away soon…
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