WOD Type: “MetCon, Strength & Triplet”
Metcon: Bike 16.6 Miles @ 58:29 – 704 feet of elevation gain and 717 calories. Ah, great ride!!! Although it was a little short for a Saturday ride, it was nice to just go without worry… I had a max speed of 37.6 MPH with an average speed of 17 MPH.
WOD Warm-Up:
10 minute standard TRX WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Burgener Warm-up
WOD Particulars:
Strength: Sumo Deadlifts @
- 5, 5, 3, 3, 3x:
- 135#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#
WOD: Lucky 7 @ 7 Rounds of:
- 7 Power Cleans @ 115#
- 7 Burpees
- 7 KB Swings @ 60#
Today’s WOD seemed to last longer than I expected. I figured I’d finish up in about 14 minutes which is 2 minutes per round. Well, the first round went quick, but after that it all went down hill. Not actually down hill, but each round got slower and slower… Still a great workout and now I have the rest of the day to do what ever I want. Well, that is after mowing the lawn. 🙂
On a last note, I will fill in the ride after I get back. I’ll be riding roughly 20 miles or so to Coupeville and eat dinner at the in-laws… YUM!!! Usually screw up my Paleo lifestyle every time I go. Maybe today I will be better…
WOD Skill Work: No skill work.
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