WOD Type: Crossfit.Com Workout
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
WOD Particulars:
Proceed through the sequence below completing 2 rounds for time of:
- 100 Double Unders
- 50 95# Shoulder to Overhead
- 25 Toes to Bar
Today’s WOD Time was 32:57 minutes and I had to lay down on the gym floor to work at controlling my breathing…
Instead of using a solid bar for the toes to bar, I used my rings and that shit blasted my core! I also am getting much better with double unders. I am still having to do a single between each double under, but hey, I made it through both rounds. In fact, I guess I completed 100 singles and 100 double unders each rounds.
Teachable Moment:
WOD Teachable Moment: Crossfit is a training method that is used by police academies, military units, martial artists and other professional athletes around the world. This method of training is extremely popular and you will find more and more health clubs offering this type of training program in the very near future.
As well it is also possible to set up your own home gym and perform your own Crossfit training system. All you need is enough space. If you have been planning on making a workout room in your basement, now you have a wonderful excuse to finally get started.
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