WOD Type: Strength
Complete 5 Sets @ 5 Reps of:
- Power Cleans & Front Squats @ 95#
- Clean & Jerk @ 95#
- Clean High Pulls @ 95#
- Back Squats @ 95#
- Dips @ 20 Reps
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard warm-up for mobility. This cracks me up! I’m doing a mobility warm-up to do a mobility WOD…
Warmup: TRX mobility stretches, air squats and TRX squat rows. I also completed a round of good mornings @ 20 reps.
WOD Particulars:
Today’s WOD is a start of another Strength program. This is a 4 day a week program and it is going to be intense. I started off with 95#’s so I could really work hard on form over the next few weeks. I’m still planning on doing some MetCon work as well. But after today’s workout, not sure if I am going to have the energy. Anyway, I have it in my mind that I am going to start up two workouts a day for the next 3-4 weeks. Then I plan on bumping it up to 3 workouts a day up to the opens which start March 6th.
Okay, got a little side tracked… I wanted to talk about the Dips for a second. I listed dips @ 20 reps for all 5 Sets. I did not accomplish that. I did 20, 15, 13, 10, 6. Before I start adding weight to the dips, I need to be doing 5 sets of 20 reps at body weight.
WOD Teachable Moment:
Today’s teachable moment is the Clean & Jerk. I found out today that I absolutely love the clean and jerk. Not that that is the teachable moment. The teachable moment is this… You need to really work hard at form on each and every WOD! Speed will come later. Also, to work form, find a weight that is perfect for each area and create a WOD like the one above. Give it a go and see just how much you will hurt afterwards… I promise you will not be dissatisfied!
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