WOD Type: Strength MetCon Combo
Complete 5 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Bench Press @ 185#
- 8 Good Mornings @ 30# Dumbbells
- 10 Lateral Box Jumps @ 20″
- 10 Leg Levers
- 10 Dips
- 10 Sum Deadlift High Pulls @ 65#
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute warm-up to make sure I am as mobile for the WOD as I can.
Warmup: TRX mobility stretches, air squats and 15# practice bar sumo’s. I also completed a few rounds of good mornings. The bicep is working for me now without a wrap today. You can get as much information as you want from Crossfit.Com for all your WOD needs… It’s what I do.
WOD Time:
5 complete rounds for a time of 27:12.
Teachable Moment:
In a truly cheap home gym, you can use any old bench for presses and one-arm rows. Make sure that it’s 2 to 3 feet wide and solid. A piano bench could work if it’s heavy enough. Otherwise, a picnic bench also works well. Get creative: you can put something under the front or rear to have an incline or a decline bench.
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