WOD Type: KBT MetCon
Complete 5 Rounds for time of::
- 8 Kettlebell Swings @ 44#
- 8 Burpees
- 8 Thrusters @ 65#
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute warm-up to make sure I am as mobile for the WOD as I can.
Warmup: TRX mobility stretches, air squats and PVC Overhead Squats. I also completed a few rounds of good mornings and side steps. The Glutes and hamstrings are still pretty hammered, so I took some extra time to stretch them out using bands I watched on a Crossfit WOD…
WOD Time:
My goal for the workout was set at 8 complete rounds. I was really hoping I could hit it, but ended up with only 5 Rounds. My actual time for just 5 rounds was 17:40. Okay, so I need to come clean here for just a minute. I was planning on 8 Rounds, but the dinner bell rang a little sooner than I expected, so I stopped and ate… Of Course…
Paleo Thoughts:
Just the other day, I bought three books on Amazon. All three books are on the subject of Paleo. I finally talked my wife into helping me get serious about following a Paleo diet. I want to follow a strict Paleo diet all the way up to the opens in March. Each day, I am going to start adding my meals to the blog and keep track of fueling the engine. It is my hope that I will be able to qualify for the NW Regionals. If I do, I will have a complete record leading all the way up to the opens for anyone else with the balls to try –> to follow…
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