WOD Type: Walk of Shame
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 8 Dips
- 10 Box Jumps @ 24″
- 12 Steps of 95# Overhead Barbell Walking Lunges
WOD Warm-Up:
I am continuing to do a 30 minute warm-up to make sure I am as mobile for the WOD as I can. Why don’t they give these workouts a name when they display the WOD name @ Crossfit.Com?
My warmup consist of my usual TRX mobility stretches, air squats and PVC Overhead Squats. I have also now included the jump rope now to warm up my calves and ankles. It seemed to work really well for today’s workout.
WOD Time:
My WOD time was to complete AMRAP the session in 15 minutes. That certainly did not happen as usual. This workout was really deceiving . I was cruising along in the first part with the dips and the box jumps. As soon as I hit the walking lunges, my body began to scream!
My finishing reps was 3 complete rounds + 8 + 10 = 108 total reps. I am going to really target my metcons over the next couple weeks and see if I can improve my cardiovascular system!
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