WOD Strength Day 13:
WOD Session will be 3 Sets @ 5 Reps Heavy of:
- Back Squats: 205# (PR)
- Incline Press: 170# (PR)
- Strict Pullups: 3 Sets @ Max Reps (9, 5, 6)
WOD Overall Feeling…
Man, today’s WOD hit two PR’s! On Friday, my squat was 185 #’s and that put an increase on today”s session 20 #’s! Sweet! Another PR was the Incline Bench where I increased from 160 #’s to 170 #’s. Extremely excited about today’s WOD.
Oh, on a last note, I felt really wiped out prior to the pullups and did not think I was going to do well. But in fact, I made 9 strict on the first set which surprised me. Anyway, just keep moving forward…
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