WOD Strength Day 9:
WOD Session will be 3 Sets @ 5 Reps Heavy of:
- Back Squats: 175#
- Incline Press: 155#
- Strict Pullups: 3 Sets @ Max Reps (8, 6, 5)
WOD Overall Feeling…
Man, today’s WOD sure made me hurt big time! I changed up my feet and stance today to mimic what is suppose to be right. I felt really strong on the Back Squats, like I could do a lot more weight, but now I am feeling the affects of the change in footing. Big Time!!!
Okay, on another note, I made a set of Parallettes or miniature parallel bars. Check them out…
Sorry the image is sitting sideways, but for some reason, this particular image will not rotate even though I’ve done it in the advanced settings.
I will now begin to work the Parallettes into WOD’s and particularly L-Situp along with;
Tuck Sit
Tuck Planche
Straddle Press to Handstand Against Wall
Handstand Against Wall
Handstand Pushups Against Wall
Handstand Forward ! Pirouettes
V Sit
Tuck Planche to Straddle Planche
L-Sit Press to Tuck or Straddle Planche
Straddle Press to Handstand (no wall)
Pike Press to Handstand Against Wall
Planche Push-ups
Handstand Forward 1/1 Pirouettes
Handstand Reverse ! Pirouette
Pike Press (no wall)
Broomstick Presses
Straight-body Planche (feet together & on a box)
Straddle Planche Press to Handstand
Handstand Reverse 1/1 Pirouettes
Additionally, there are five presses to handstand that you want to develop and in this order:
- Bent arm, bent hip, bent leg press
- Straight arm, bent hip, bent leg press
- Straight arm, bent hip, straight leg (“stiff-stiff”) press
- Bent arm, straight hip, straight leg (“hollowback”) press
- Straight arm, straight hip, straight leg (“planche”) press
Anyway, I will keep you posted as to my progress with Parallettes in my daily WOD.
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