WOD Type: “Strength”
WOD Warm-Up:
- Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts
- 25 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Squats
- 14 Lunges (7 each leg)
- Burgener Warm-up
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars:
Strength: Back Squat @
Perform every minute on the minute 2x Bench Press at 155# Start. Add 10# each round to failure:
Warm-Up – 135# @ 5 Reps
165#, 175#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 215#, 225#, 235#, 245# for a total of 10 complete rounds.
WOD: No Metcon Today…
Today’s WOD – Time equals no time – just a workout at high intensity 1 minute intervals.
I am guessing I am pretty close to even on legs and upper body. I think its great to do the 1 minute on the minute for each of the four primary strength routines. It gives me a good indication as to my balance and whether or not I am stronger in one area and weaker in another area. My programming is really coming along nicely!
***Shoulder Update***
The shoulder is feeling pretty good today. Yesterday’s workout was quite the slow start as I spent a great deal of time just making sure the whole area was warm and stretched out. As a result, I had no issues at all while performing back squats. I’ll keep you posted…
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