WOD Type: “MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up
- Leg Mobility Routine
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: 42, 30, 18 of…
- 20# Wallball @ 10′
- 75# SDHP
- 20″ Box Jumps
- 75# Push Press
- Row for Calories
Time: 57:26 Reps: 90 Each for 450 total reps
Today’s WOD seemsed to last forever! There was a few times I didn’t think I was going to make it! Half way through I felt like someone hit me with a fucking Mac truck! I’m a little concerned how bad it will be when I wake up in the morning. Fuck it, I only have another two days at work! My flight home is an off day from the gym. I have not done a five day straight workout set in a long time. I think my body needs a change up. August will mark three years of doing Crossfit. Can’t believe it’s been that long and I’m still going strong… Actually stronger!
Olympic Weightlifting By Greg Everett… Absolutely KICKASS!!!
Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches
419 pages that breaks down each move and adds all the supplemental exercises too. There is even a section that covers nutrition. I really like the content of the book. It covers Olympic Lifts and that’s it! Everything that will improve your snatch and your clean & jerk. You really need to pick up this book…
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