WOD Type: “Metcon, Strength & Triplet”
WOD Warm-Up:
10 minute standard WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Recon Ron Pull-Ups: Step 15: 9, 7, 6, 5, 5 = 32 total – Time for today’s Recon Ron was 4:35… Today was the start of a new level!
Burgener Warm-up
WOD Particulars:
Metcon: Bike 12.1 Miles @ 49:16 – Today’s ride was just a casual easy ride to work and home. Still working on varying my intensity, time and distance instead of riding all out every day.
WOD Strength:
- Deadlifts – 7 @ 3 Reps
- Warmup with 135# @ 10 reps
– Then –
- 50% –> 3 Reps @ 160#
- 60% –> 3 Reps @ 190#
- 70% –> 3 Reps @ 225#
- 80% –> MAX @ 255#; total reps = 3
- 70% –> 3 Reps @ 225#
- 60% –> 3 Reps @ 190#
- 50% –> 3 Reps @ 160#
Today’s WOD was just another body beating! I love doing deadlifts. They bring out the animal in me… Nah, its pretty cool to grunt and grown and have your grandson at 10 telling you jokes that are pretty funny. Then, having the youngest of my grandsons (19 Month’s) grunting along with me picking up his toys in his containment zone and throwing them across the garage floor. AWESOME! He will be the kid who wins the Games… Next, I did a triplet of:
5 Rounds for time of::
- 10 KB Swings @ 55#
- 10 Knee’s to Elbows
- 10 GHD Situps
Holy shit that hurt after deadlifts! Wonder what I am going to feel like tomorrow…
WOD Skill Work: Big fat nothing… I’m going to throw in some double unders a little later before hopping in the shower.
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