WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- TRX Standard Warm-Up @ 5 Minutes
- 15 Squats
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars:
Strength: Back Squat (Work to 1 Rep Max)…
- Warm-Up @ 135#
- 185#, 225#, 245#, 255#, 260#, 265#, 270#(PR), 275#(PR)
MetCon: 5 Rounds of…
- 10 DB Snatch @ 40#
- 15 Wall Balls – 10′ @ 20#
Time: 14:47.
Today’s WOD was really a great workout! I ended up PRing Back Squats with 270# and 275#. I used my new favorite weightlifting shoes – Wing Tips!
I am pretty confident I will hit my goal of a 300+ back squat before the Opens next year… On another note, I am super surprised that I could even squat today after doing 14-3 yesterday and being as sore as I was. I understand how these pros are able to perform wod after wod. I’m pumped over today’s workout…
Video of the Day:
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