WOD Type: Strength
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, Reps of:
- Weighted Pull-Ups
Weight: 20# Vest
Bodyweight: 224#
WOD Warm-Up:
I had to do a significant warm-up to make sure I am ready for weighted pullups. I’ve been having a lot of issues with my left bicep lately.
My warmup consisted of my normal TRX mobility routine, air squats and of course, PVC Overhead Squats, front squats, and bend overs as usual.
WOD After Thought
After I was through with this WOD, I felt like I needed to do more. So, I went into weighted dips with the same 20# vest. Reps were 6, 6, and 6… No – NOT because its the number of the beast. Although, that would make a great WOD all in itself:
Number of the Beast: 6 rounds of 6 reps each on the following 6 exercises… I think I will create one for next week…
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