WOD Type: Another Trial & Error
WOD Session: 2 Rounds for Time of…
WOD Events:
- 20 Push Press @ 95#
- 20 ox Jumps @ 20″
- 20 Burpees
- 50 Single Unders
WOD Time…
This is my first attempt with trying to mix strength with a metcon. It really kicked my ass just like the last workout! I was thinking I would complete it in 12:00, but as usual, I did not reach my mark.
Today’s WOD time: 18:06 –> I really struggle with trying to get faster with doing burpees, but as you know, burpees are tough as hell when mixed with any upper body or lower body exercise. As for now, I am actually having to rest at the bottom…
Anyway, I will need to speed up everything if I’m going to be competitive in the games. My focus is still and will remain on the opens in 2013…
Oh, and one other thing, I am constantly sore. Does that ever go away? Or am I just going to have to get used to this?
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