WOD Type: “MetCon, Strength & Couplet”
WOD Warm-Up:
30 minute standard WOD warm-up for mobility. I have also added overhead squat / Snatch Preparation Routine… Mobility man stretches.
Recon Ron Pull-Ups: Step 15: 8, 7, 5, 5, 5 – Time for today’s Recon Ron was 4:05…
Burgener Warm-up
WOD Particulars:
Metcon: Bike 12.4 Miles @ 52:22 – Nice easy ride straight home from work today. The morning ride was a little more intense and had me soaked in sweat by the time I got to work…
WOD Strength:
- Deadlifts – 5 Sets @ 5 Reps at 60% max.
- Weight was right at 200#
Today’s WOD mix really taxed the lower back. Mainly because of the MetCon:
MetCon in 7 minute AMRAP of:
- 30# dumbbell Thrusters @ 30# –> 3 Reps
- Ring Rows @ 3 Reps
- 30# dumbbell Thrusters @ 30# –> 6 Reps
- Ring Rows @ 6 Reps
- 30# dumbbell Thrusters @ 30# –> 9 Reps
- Ring Rows @ 9 Reps
- 30# dumbbell Thrusters @ 30# –> 12 Reps
- Ring Rows @ 12 Reps
- 30# dumbbell Thrusters @ 30# –> 15 Reps
- Ring Rows @ 15 Reps
I finished the MetCon with an AMRAP of 75 Reps.
WOD Skill Work: Worked on Muscle-Up Progressions
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