WOD Type: “MetCon”
WOD Warm-Up:
- Jump Rope @ 100 Contacts
- TRX Standard Warm-Up @ 5 Minutes
- 15 Squats
- Arm Swings
- Shoulder bands
- Wooden Dowel for shoulders
WOD Particulars: “Helen”
MetCon: 3 Rounds For Time Of…
- 400 Meter Run
- 21 KB Swings @ 1.5 Pood
- 12 Pull-Ups
Today’s WOD – Was another great workout. I had to actually map out the 400 meter run portion since all I ever program is 800 meters or more. Anyway, I plan on doing a lot more workouts that have 400 meter runs in them. I like how the heart gets way up and stays up the whole workout.
Okay, so my goal for the workout was 10:00 which I’m pretty sure I can do when I am 100%, but today’s time was 11:58! I know I can do better and considering this is the first time I’ve completed this workout, I fully believe I can…
Article of the Day:
L Glutamine For Protecting and Building Muscle
The human body runs on a lot of different fuels for different parts. Specifically when it comes to muscles they use L Glutamine. Using L Glutamine for weight training is a great way to help build muscle and protect it.
During weight training your muscles are put under tremendous amounts of stress. The entire process of muscle building requires the tearing and mending of those muscles. Using L Glutamine during these times can help protect them and allow them to heal better and faster.
L-G also has other properties that can help the human body run more efficiently and taking it as a supplement can help you keep your body in tip top shape.
1. Immune system. The immune system relies on L-G for fuel to help it fight off harmful invaders. Without enough L Glutamine can result in a weaker immune system which can put you at risk of getting sick. Our immune system typically keeps our L-G levels high enough but these levels can be depleted during illness or injury, so taking an L-G supplement can help you in recovery.
2. Performance. During physically stressful times such as athletic activities, L-G levels can drop rapidly resulting in poorer performance and muscle problems. By taking an L Glutamine supplement you can help keep your levels high and help with your physical performance. It can also help speed up any physical recovery and help ward off problems such as sprains and pulled muscles.
3. Prevention. You can also use L Glutamine for preventive measures by using it to keep your L-G levels stable during physical activities. It can help promote muscle growth and help prevent things such as muscle tears and re-occurring injury. It can also help prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which helps you burn fat more easily.
4. Mental benefits. L-G, while primarily a muscle related amino acid has also been observed in high quantities within the brain. It is believed that keeping your L-G levels stable can improve mental performance and help stave off mental deterioration as we age.
5. Digestion. Another function of L Glutamine is to help keep our digestion track running efficiently. When our L-G levels drop too low and stay low, we can develop intestinal problems. So keeping those levels high can help keep your digestion track running smoothly.
L Glutamine is a very versatile amino acid that helps in a lot of areas within the human body. While most of it’s efforts are concentrated within our muscles and physical attributes, it is none the less an important acid to have.
Using L Glutamine for working out and to keep your body in peak fitness is one of the best things you can do. During fitness activities our body is stressed and we deplete these levels, so using the supplement powder available on the market can help keep your body running as it should.
Many athletes out there rely on L-G supplements to help get them through their work outs and training. So if you are looking to keep your body healthy or looking to build up your muscle mass, L-G is your best bet.
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