WOD Type: “Baseline MetCon #3”
WOD Warm-Up:
- 15 Minute Row Warm-Up – 3,110 Meters
- Shoulder & Leg Mobility Work
WOD Particulars:
MetCon: Baseline WOD For Time Of…
- 10 Minute Row – 2,211 Meters
- 40 Squats
- 30 Sit-Ups
- 20 Push-Ups
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 10 Minute Row – 2,234 Meters
Today’s WOD was a test to finish off the transit workouts. A gauge to see how I’ve progressed over the last 6 weeks. I can say I’ve improved quite a bit to be honest. Although I am just not sure what my weight really is or the fact that my waist hasn’t changed either. I am still building the engine! My overall time to beat from around two weeks ago was 25:44. I beat that time by 1:16. I’d say that was a killer jump in stamina for an older master!
My row times were way better too. Last time I was consistent in scores at 2,060 meters. I was again pretty close, but was able to pull out just a little bit more than the first one. 2,211 and 2,234 is pretty damn close in my book, maybe two strokes off if that! I’m pretty fucking stoked about today’s workout. Hopefully I got enough gas in the tank to do a run this evening. We shall see. Oh, and if you look back on the last test, I didn’t even do a row for a warmup and I did 3,000 meters before I even started this workout! Sweet!
Breakfast: 8 ounce Protein Shake, cup of coffee with 1 ounce of milk and stevia packet.
Book To Read:
Olympic Weightlifting By Greg Everett… Absolutely KICKASS!!!
Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches
419 pages that breaks down each move and adds all the supplemental exercises too. There is even a section that covers nutrition. I really like the content of the book. It covers Olympic Lifts and that’s it! Everything that will improve your snatch and your clean & jerk. You really need to pick up this book…
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