When you start a belly fat diet plan, whatever you may think about food and calories has to be changed. How and what we eat is really the main factor in fat loss. Its not the only factor as you do need to get up off your couch and move your body with some exercise, but for the purposes of this article were going to look at some facts about a real diet plan to lose belly fat.
To start with, we will get some fundamental nutrition facts straight with the “eating less” aspect of the formula to lose on a belly fat diet plan. If you want to burn fat, you need to reduce your daily calorie consumption. You need to eat less calories in total.
Basically, a belly fat diet plan to lose weight means you need to switch from a diet based on sugars and starchy foods to a diet based on good, well balanced nutrition.
Your Belly Fat Diet Plan
If you eat too many basic sugars such as white sugar, white flour, pastas, potatoes, and more, you set yourself up to become pre-diabetic. One of the initial places that fat is stored due to eating too many sugars and starches is the belly hence why this is called a belly fat diet plan.
Insulin is a significant factor in how our bodies cope with sugar and it directs the body to store the sugar as fat in your stomach.The direct opposite will happen with a belly fat diet plan when you stop eating excessive amounts of refined starches and high sugar content foods. With consistent diet changes and regular exercise your belly fat diet plan will begin to decrease fat over time.
No More Empty Calories To Make This Belly Fat Diet Plan Work
Its important to make sure that the kind of calories you’re eating as part of your belly fat diet plan are nutrient packed. While its true that a calorie is a calorie energy wise, it is packed with other nutrients when its consumed as a large green salad as opposed to the “empty” or junk calories of a large strawberry milkshake.
Food-wise, an 850-calorie salad is going to feed your body what it needs to repair and maintain health whereas an 800-calorie milkshake has almost no nutrients. Also, the high amounts of sugar in the milkshake are counterproductive to building health.
This is the reason why we feel hungry after having an 800-calorie milkshake. Your body still wants the nutrients and so it sends out hunger signs. If you have a chocolate bar, it will fulfil the hunger pangs temporarily, but then it will send out hunger signals again very soon.
Make The Right Belly Fat Diet Plan Choices
But, if you eat a large salad with chicken as part of your belly fat diet plan, you will not feel hunger so quickly. Yes, you may still want that large piece of chocolate cake, but that is more of a psychological hunger.
Your Belly Fat Diet Plan Is About Making Better Food Choices
It comes down to what you want more: the cake or the flat belly? There really is no in between! However, once you’ve attained your maintenance level, you can indulge in occasional desserts and pasta dishes.
Creating a belly fat diet plan is not an easy task. However, when that belly fat diet plan is in place and you are using it consistently, fat is going to melt away from the midline region.
For more information on exercises to do on a belly fat diet plan, best programs, fitness motivation check out all the other post and pages…
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