Today has been a day that truly opens the eyes to what has been the issue over the last 10 years! It’s no wonder to me now that only 5% ever make a killer living from Internet Marketing. I have done everything from article marketing to PPC. And I just never got it! Nor would I have gotten it unless someone like Chad came into the scene back then.
After spending some personal time via skype with Chad today, I finally get it! As soon as we got off skype I immediately went out and got a solo ad from a really nice lady named Diane. 500 Clicks for $150. Now, before I say anything else, I almost blew this deal. Stupid me in all my excitement (aka ADD), I jumped on my calculator and did my math wrong! I thought I was being robbed at $3.33 a click!
Now comes the bad part, I get really stupid and bring Chad into the mix. You all know how busy he’s been and the lack of sleep he’s had over the last week or so. Well, I told him about this and he just about shit his pants. I wrote back to Diane and said I’m sorry but $3.33 a click is to rich for my blood. She had to be laughing her ass off at me!
Anyway, about 15 minutes goes by and I am back on my calculator thinking something just isn’t right. Duh! No kiddin’, as soon as I figured out what I had done, I get a message from Chad. He was not to thrilled and I’m sure he was really thinking I have a winner here! I’m feeling pretty dumb right now and cannot believe I’m writing this, but hey, I can’t be the only one right?
Long story just a wee bit shorter. I ended up tucking my tail between my legs and got back with Diane because 500 clicks at $150 is about .30 cents a click which is outstanding!
When the light goes on – you immediately act on things even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. We will be tracking my clicks tomorrow. Eugene is currently at like 60% in his conversion rate! Ronna and the others have also been experiencing high conversions. It’s fantastic what Chad is doing with us in the master group.
For all you in the partner group, the Master group is where its at! The people I’m working with in here are the movers and shakers in this industry right now. You will be absolutely blown away when you are invited in here. Hell, the calls I had today with Chad could have cost me $10,000 easily and that’s no joke. He took me into the system and worked with me through the entire process to make sure I get this. Here really is that one in a million internet marketer who is truly out to help us succeed and is helping us to succeed.
I will finish off by saying this is the real deal folks! ALL you have to do is drive traffic to the funnel and Chad’s team takes care of the rest.
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