What’s happening today? Gary here…
Have you had a chance to check out any of my weekly hangouts? It’s pretty damn cool!
Look, if you are looking for free information that will help you build your business, then you need to check out my hangouts! I do a lot of them and have guest join. Sometimes I even have some of my subscribers come on and get them to drill me and my guest questions. It’s awesome!
I just built this site and so you will only see 3 hangouts showing. I will add more as time goes by…
Anyway, I’m not going to pitch this to you because there is really no point!
I really encourage you to just check it out real quick and if you like what you see, you can even join the free members area where you can get weekly private hangouts from my Google+ community! I do two private hangouts a month! You’ll love them! They are not like these stuffy old webinars where some made up Guru is pitching another stupid ass product you can probably get for free if you search around enough.
No, this is nothing more that a “no holds bar” let’s get down to business of building an online business!
Now, just note, the hangouts that are shown without being even a free member do pitch products a little bit. However, with Chad and Kevin, you are getting some killer information. Chad just can’t help himself, he’s always pitching. Maybe that’s why he makes a ton of money?
So, check it out and while you’re at it, leave either a Google+ comment or a Facebook comment. Hell, go ahead and leave one on each! 🙂
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