Crossfit Rings
Using gymnastic rings in your Crossfit routine will allow you to really challenge your body like never before. Rings are great for increasing your upper body strength and for performing moves like the iron cross, dips and pull ups plus many more.
Training rings will help you tone and sculpt your body while increasing your power and strength. The following reviews cover some of the most popular gymnastic crossfit rings currently on the market.
Gymnastic Fitness Crossfit Rings Training Gym Pull Ups
This set of crossfit rings comes with 2 rings and 2 sets of straps with buckles. The straps are adjustable and measure 16 inches in length. The gymnastic rings are made from a high quality durable PVC.
Many customers of this product bought them specifically for Crossfit training. They love the fact that they are portable so that makes working out while traveling that much easier.
These crossfit rings are perfect for performing a variety of exercises including push ups, pull ups, dips and rows. They are very sturdy and can hold a lot of weight. One customer reported weighing 280 lbs and had no problems using this ring set.
You can set up these gym pull ups in a variety of places. Using your pull up bar on your door is one great idea. They can easily be pulled down when not in use. Plus the fact that the rings are adjustable makes them perfect for being used by more than one family member.
The current selling price for the Gymnastic Fitness Crossfit Exercise Training Gym Pull ups is just $39.95. You can get more information or purchase them directly through the following link:
Product link: Gymnastic Fitness Crossfit Rings
ProSource Exercise Fitness Gymnastic Crossfit Rings
These gymnastic rings are constructed from Lexan and have a 1,000 pound weight tolerance on them before breaking. This is a huge and important consideration as you don’t want to have any type of ring break while being used.
Each crossfit ring has a 17 foot strap connected to it. This allows for more flexibility and movement during the workout.
These crossfit rings are actually a little larger than some other brands of gymnastic rings. Larger crossfit rings allow you to have a better grip and will just feel more comfortable. Some customers preferred to add some athletic tape to the crossfit rings if you want a more secure grip.
The only issue that has been reported with this brand of crossfit rings was concerning the buckles. Some customers have had issues with the buckles breaking or slipping. While others have had no problems at all!
The problem could be with not connecting the strap to the buckle correctly. Apparently the instructions do not cover this in detail and this could be why some people are encountering problems.
The straps also do not have detailed measurements making height adjustment a little trickier. But for the price range they seem to be a good value for money purchase.
The ProSource Exercise Fitness Gymnastic Rings are currently selling for $37.99 from the following link.
Product link: ProSource Exercise Fitness Gymnastic Rings
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