WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Level 10 WOD Particulars: MetCon: 28 Minutes of… 14 Wallballs @ 10′ x 20# 5 T2B 8 Burpees 7 Pull-Ups Reps: 150 total which is 4 rounds plus 14 wallballs! Endurance: Run 1 miles 10:30 Today’s WOD kicked ass and the area of the rig I was using was hot…
Category: Blog
WOD Tuesday 05-05-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Level 10 WOD Particulars: MetCon: 12 OH Lunges @ 45# Plate Reps: 45 total Strength: 15 Minutes of 2 C & J @ 95#, 135#, 160#, 180# Reps: 7 Sets of 2 Reps = 14 total reps MetCon: 30 Double Unders Run 2 miles Today’s WOD was my kind…
WOD Friday 02-27-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon – 15.1, 15.1a Practice” WOD Warm-Up: Standard TRX Warm-Up WOD Particulars: MetCon: 9 minutes of T2B Deadlift @ 115# Power Snatch @ 115# From 9-15 minutes, achieve a 1RM of Clean & Jerks Total Time: 15 minutes total Today’s WOD was a beast on a rolling ship! I only completed 79 reps…
WOD Thursday 04-30-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Level 10 WOD Particulars: MetCon: 7 Rounds of… (Un)Lucky 7 Squat Cleans @ 95# 7 Burpees 7 Pull-Ups Reps: 7 total rounds for 147 reps with a time of 42:38! Today’s WOD was horrible and I can’t wait to do it again! More weight next go around… Olympic Weightlifting…
WOD Wednesday 04-29-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & Metcon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench Press 1 x 10 @ 135# 5 x 5 @ 215# Total Reps: 35 MetCon: 5 Rounds of… 10 Bench Press @ 135# 10 Dips 10 Calorie Row Total Reps: 150 with 50 bring calories! Today’s WOD was a fucking awesome!…
WOD Monday 04-27-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Level 10 WOD Particulars: Strength: Deadlifts Warmup 1 x 10 @ 135# 1 x 10 @ 185# 1 x 6 @ 220# 1 x 3 @ 265# MetCon: 12 Minutes of… 1 Deadlift @ 265# 3 Over Bar Burpees 5 KB Swings @ 50# Reps: 8…
WOD Sunday 04-26-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & Metcon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Clean & Jerk 2 x 100#, 110#, 120#, 130# 3 x 2 @ 140# Total Reps: 15 MetCon: 4 Rounds of… (No time) 5 HSPU 10 Double Unders 10 KB Swings @ 40# 5 Pull-ups Total Reps: 4 Complete Rounds for…
WOD Saturday 04-25-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up WOD Particulars: MetCon: 3 Rounds of… 20 wallball 10′ @ 20# 20 SDHP @ 75# 20 Box Jumps @ 24″ 20 Push Press @ 75# 20 Calorie Row Total Reps: 100 reps per round for a total of 300 Reps. Today’s WOD was painful. I actually programmed for 5…
WOD Thursday 04-23-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon & Endurance” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up WOD Particulars: MetCon: AMRAP In 15 Minutes of… 10 wallball 10′ @ 20# 10 Double Unders 10 DB Press @ 40# Total Reps: 4 Rounds for a total of 120 Reps. Today’s WOD was awesome. I felt like crap after that, so I did…
WOD Wednesday 04-22-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon & Metcon” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up WOD Particulars: MetCon: AMRAP In 15 Minutes of… 3 DB Snatch @ 50# Each 5 Pull-Ups 7 Box Jumps @ 24″ Total Reps: 7 Rounds Plus 3 DB Snatch, 5 Pull-Ups and 1 Box Jump for a total of 114 Reps. Today’s WOD was…