WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up 10# Plate Shoulder Warm-Up Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: 100 Calorie Row for Speed: 7:38 Strength: Hang Clean (Above Knee): (Find 3 Rep Max) 115#, 125#, 137# 5% = 125# 10% = 115# Front Squat: 5RM 137#, 148#, 160# 5% – 145# 10% – 125# Clean…
Category: Blog
Olympic Lifting Week Three Day Two
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Shoulder 10# Plate Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench Press: Pause on the Chest (5RM, -5%, -10% for Five Reps) 135# x 10 Rep Warm-Up 185#, 205#, 225# 5% = 215# 10% = 205# Push Press: 5 Rep Max, -5%, -10% for 5 5 x 161# 5%…
Olympic Lifting Week 3 Day One
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Leg Mobility Routine Shoulder Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Hang Snatch (Above Knee): Find 3 Rep Max, then -5%, -10% for 3 Reps 45#, 55#, 67#, 80# 5% = 67# x 3 Reps 10% = 55# x 3 Reps Back Squats: -10% of 5 Rep Max @…
Olympic Lifting Week Two Day Five
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up 10# Shoulder Warm-up Leg Mobility Routine WOD Particulars: Strength: Back Squats: 5RM, -5%, -10% 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 225#, 250# 5% = 225# 10% = 205# Standing Press: 2″ Pause for 2 Sec 5RM, -5%, -10% Warm-Up 10 reps @ 37# 87#, 110#, 127# 5% –…
Olympic Lifting Week Two Day Four
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Shoulder Warm-Up with 10# plate Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Snatch Pull *2, Snatch, OHS *1 – Work up to Max, then -20% for 2 Sets 48#, 58#, 69#, 75# 2 Sets @ 58# Clean Pull *2, Clean, Front Squat *2, Jerk *2 – Work…
Olympic Lifting Week Two Day Three
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up 10# Plate Shoulder Warm-Up Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Hang Clean from Hip: (Find 3 Rep Max) 105#, 115#, 125#, 131# (PR) 5% = 125# 10% = 115# Front Squat: 1″ Pause 5RM 125#, 145#, 158# 5% – 145# 10% – 125# Clean Pulls: 100%…
Olympic Lifting Week Two Day Two
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Shoulder 10# Plate Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench Press: Pause 1 Second 2″ (Find 5 Rep Max) 135# x 12 Rep Warm-Up 161#, 191#, 211#, 216# (PR) 5% – 10# = 205# x 4R 10% – 20# = 191# x 5R Push Press: 5 Rep Max……
Olympic Lifting Week Two Day One
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Leg Stretches Shoulder Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Hang Snatch From the Hip: Find 3 Rep Max, then -5%, -10% for 3 Reps 45#, 56#, 62#, 73#, 76#, 82# 5% = 73# x 3 Reps 10% = 62# x 3 Reps Back Squats: -10% of 5 Rep…
Olympic Lifting Week One Day Five
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Back Squats: 5RM, -5%, -10% 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 225#, 245# 5% = 225# 10% = 205# Standing Press: 2″ Pause for 2 Sec 5RM, -5%, -10% 90#, 111# 117#, 122# 5% – 117# 10% – 111# deadlifts: 2 Sec @ 2″ Pause…
Olympic Lifting Week One Day Four
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Shoulder Warm-Up with 10# plate WOD Particulars: Strength: Snatch Pull *2, Snatch, OHS *2 – Work up to Max, then -20% for 2 Sets 45#, 52#, 56#, 62#, 67#, 73# 2 Sets @ 61# Clean Pull *2, Clean, Front Squat *2, Jerk *2 – Work to…