WOD Type: “Endurance” WOD Warm-Up: General Leg Warm-Up Routine WOD Particulars: Endurance: Ride Approximately 10 Miles Today’s WOD was a great ride. I actually completed 11 miles and finished 56:12. So about a 12 mph average. I didn’t have much time for today due to the fact we had vision appointments. I had to shell…
Category: Blog
WOD Wednesday 11-18-2015
WOD Type: “Endurance” WOD Warm-Up: Leg Running Warm-Up Routine WOD Particulars: Endurance: Run 4.6 Miles Today’s WOD was a great run. I finished stronger than the last run. I’m good with that… My time was 51:32. Book To Read: Olympic Weightlifting By Greg Everett… Absolutely KICKASS!!! Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches…
November 17, 2015 Whidbey Island Storm
So, we made national news yesterday with the storm that blew through leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Vicki has a hard time in the wind and needs to be outside sometimes to make her a bit more at ease. So, we went on a drive and ended up at her parents house…
WOD Monday 11-16-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Full body warm-Up Shoulder Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Push Press… 1 Rep @ 135# 10 Reps @ 95# 1 Reps @ 155# 20 Reps @ 75# 1 Reps @ 185# 30 Reps @ 65# MetCon: 5 Rounds Of… 10 Front Squats @ 95# 10 Box Jumps…
WOD Sunday 11-15-2015
WOD Type: “Endurance” WOD Warm-Up: Leg Running Warm-Up Routine WOD Particulars: Endurance: Run 4.0 Miles Today’s WOD was a great run. I finished really slow, but ran the whole way. I’m good with that… My time was 51:33. I will attach a video this evening which will be my first Vlog. Book To Read: Olympic…
WOD Friday 11-13-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Full body warm-Up Leg Mobility Work Shoulder Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Squats 5 X 5 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 225# MetCon: 20 Minute AMRAP of… (Cindy) 5 ull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Squats Today’s WOD was a test to see how bad I’ve gotten since 2013… Well,…
WOD Thursday 11-12-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Full body warm-Up Leg Mobility Work Shoulder Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Incline Bench Press 5 X 5 75# x 15 Reps Warm-Up 95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 165# MetCon: 10 Rounds of… 5 Bench Press @ 155# 5 Power Cleans @ 115# Today’s WOD a great forearm…
Quick Fort Ebey Afternoon Ride
I decided to go for a mountain bike ride today after helping paint the boys room. Due to the dark falling quickly in the great Pacific Northwest, I only had about an hour before it got too dark to navigate some of the trails that are heavily wooded. Anyway, I did some video and hope…
WOD Tuesday 11-10-2015
WOD Type: “MetCon & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Full body warm-Up Leg Mobility Work Shoulder Mobility Work WOD Particulars: MetCon 1: 5 Rounds Of… 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Thrusters @ 95# 15 KB Swings @ 43# MetCon: 3 Rounds of… 1 Minute Max Thrusters @ 75# 1 Minute Max Pull-Ups 1 Minute Rest Today’s…
WOD Monday 11-09-2015
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Full body warm-Up Leg Mobility Work Shoulder Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Overhead Squats 5 X 3 45#, 65#, 75#, 80#, 82# MetCon: 8 Minute AMRAP of… 4 Power Cleans @ 95# 6 KB Swings @ 43# 8 Toes to Rings Today’s WOD showed me something I…