WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Walk: WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Power Clean 3 x 102# 3 x 120# 3 x 130# 3 x 145# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 102# MetCon: EMOM 8 Minutes Of… 3 Thrusters @ 95# 3 Burpees Total Reps: 8 complete rounds = 48 reps that just killed me!…
Category: Blog
WOD Saturday 07-23-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & EMOM” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Snatch 4 x 55# 4 x 65# 4 x 70# 4 x 75# EMOM – 10 Minutes – Power Snatch 4 Reps @ 75# Today’s WOD was painful right from the start! I am still incredibly sore from yesterdays moving and the prior…
WOD Thursday 07-21-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench 4 x 155# 4 x 180# 4 x 195# 4 x 215# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 155# MetCon: 15 Minute AMRAP… 6 Pull-Ups 9 Box Jumps @ 20″ 12 Strict Press @ 75# Total Reps: 6 complete rounds + 6 + 7 = 175 reps Today’s…
WOD Tuesday 07-19-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: WOD WALK… Strength: Front Squat 4 x 108# 4 x 126# 4 x 135# 4 x 155# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 108# MetCon: 15 Minute AMRAP… 9 OHS @ 95# 16 KB Swings @ 44.1# 16 Sit-Ups Total Reps: 4 complete rounds + 9 +…
WOD Tuesday 07-13-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Push Jerk 3 x 115# 3 x 135# 3 x 142.5# 3 x 161.5# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 115# MetCon: 15 Minute AMRAP… 6 OHS @ 45# 12 Lunges (6 each leg) @ 35# Plate…
WOD Saturday 07-09-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Power Clean 3 x 102# 3 x 119# 3 x 127.5# 3 x 145# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 102# MetCon: 15 Minute AMRAP… 8 Clean Pulls @ 165# 14 Burpees 27 AbMats Sit-Ups Total Reps: 3 complete rounds = 147 reps Today’s WOD was great and the…
Pistols Kicked My Butt – Episode43
Pistols Kicked My Butt – Episode43 WOD Thursday 06-16-2016 WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Front Squats 3 @ 135# 3 @ 157.5# 3 @ 170# 3 @ 191# MetCon: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Of… Pistols Alternating (TRX) Pull-Ups Total Time: 12:57…
Granite Games Week One – Gary Marsh
Granite Games Week One – Gary Marsh Follow Gary Marsh on Social Media: Blog: http://garymarsh.net Beme: https://beme.com/garymarsh Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChalkBoxTalk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gary.marsh.7 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chalkboxtalk/ Google+: https://www.google.com/+GaryMarsh
WOD Saturday 06-11-2016
WOD Type: “Granite Games Week One” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: MetCon: 15 Minute AMRAP Of… 10 Squat Clean & Jerk @ 115# 15 Burpees 8 Squat Clean & Jerk @ 145# 15 Burpees 6 Squat Clean & Jerk @ 175# 15 Burpees 4 Squat Clean & Jerk @ 205#…
WOD Wednesday 06-08-2016
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: MetCon: 7 Rounds Of… 7 Power Snatch @ 95# 7 Toes To Bar (T2B) Total Reps: 98 Today’s WOD was a bit taxing on my nervous system. Not sure what was going on but it hurt more than I thought it should….